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Ovarian Vein Embolisation

What is Ovarian Vein Embolisation?


Ovarian vein embolisation is a minimally invasive treatment for pelvic congestion syndrome, a painful condition resulting from the presence of enlarged or varicose veins in the pelvis. It helps relieve pain by using imaging guidance and a catheter to close off faulty veins so they can no longer enlarge with blood. Embolisation is a highly effectively way of controlling bleeding and much less invasive than open surgery.


Pelvic congestion syndrome, also known as ovarian vein reflux, is a painful condition resulting from the presence of varicose veins in the pelvis. The condition is caused by valves in the veins that help return blood to the heart against gravity becoming weakened and not closing properly, allowing blood to flow backwards and pool in the vein causing pressure and bulging veins. Diagnosis of the condition is done through one of several methods: pelvic venography, magnetic resonance imaging and pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound.


During this procedure, an interventional radiologist inserts a catheter up the femoral vein and into the faulty vein(s). Catheterisation requires only a small nick in the skin for insertion and x-ray image guidance of the catheter to its target area. The catheter delivers Dacron filaments-bearing coils that clot the blood and seal the faulty vein.



T H E  C L I N I C 

Spectrum Interventional Radiology

Suite 1, Level 1, 24-40 Bigge Street,

Liverpool NSW 2170

Ph: 02 9197 8002/ 02 9197 8102

Fax: 02 8322 4080

Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri: 8am - 5:30pm 

C O N T A C T  U S

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