D r . G l e n S c h l a p h o f f
Interventional Radiologist

Dr. Glen Schlpahoff
Dr Glen Schlaphoff is an experienced Interventional Radiologist and has been a Senior Staff Specialist in Liverpool Hospital since 2001.
He has been the HOD of Radiology since 2005 to 2015 and involved with the redevelopment of Liverpool Hospital.
During this redevelopment, he was involved in redesigning the Radiology department and pioneered the concept of the creation of a Department of Interventional Radiology.
He is currently the Head of Department of Interventional Radiology at Liverpool Hospital.
He is a founder partner of Spectrum Medical Imaging, a large high end, sub-specialist private radiology practice with multiple branches in the East and West of Sydney.
He attends and presents at many local and international meetings and is an active IRSA member (Interventional Society of Australasia).
His particular interests are in interventional radiology, with particular interests in vascular and cardiovascular imaging, pain relief and spinal injections including vertebroplasty.
He is also keenly involved in all aspects of interventional and diagnostic oncology offering a wide range of therapies and interventions to oncology patients – especially those with liver disease, including DC Beads SIRTEX, microwave and Radio-frequency Ablation.
He is a pioneer in Australia in Prostate Artery Embolisation and Cryotherapy for Renal Cancers. He is an active contributor to the many multidisciplinary meetings held at Liverpool Hospital.
He consults out of the Spectrum IR consulting Suites at Sydney Southwest Private Hospital.

Located at Sydney South West Private Hospital, 24-40 Bigge Street, Liverpool

Located at Sydney South West Private Hospital, 24-40 Bigge Street, Liverpool